Slowly I Turned

When we parted, Pauline was tied to the railroad tracks and a train was bearing down on her. No, wait, this cliffhanger was more Shakespearean, to open the box or not to open the box.

IMG_0016.jpgThe bag containing the box stared at me with its big red eyes, like a puppy that had been up all night cramming for its final obedience test. That bag had already caused me problems, trying to carry it home on a windy day. A big gust had almost torn it from my hands and sent it careening down the sidewalk.

Fortunately, my momentum was stopped by a van that had just pulled up to ferry a group of locals to Alabama, the land of plenty, where a million-and-a-half doses of COVID vaccine sit unused on shelves.

This added factor, concern that my wind-blown adventure may have caused damage to the space shuttle, destroying parts of the heat shield, gave me no choice but to open the box. But there were so many pieces, and I was unfamiliar with them, not sure what was what. The only safe course of action is to go through all the instructions, step by step, inch by inch, and so I will. It’s my destiny.

Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-103

Temptation, thy name is LEGO. Just when I thought it was safe to start thinking about something other than little plastic bricks, like seeing friends again and carefully frolicking (is that a thing?) in the warmer weather, you came out with your new Space Shuttle Discovery and accompanying Hubble telescope.

I thought to myself, because there’s still no one else around, I need help. There must be a pandemic hotline to call. Or a book. I’ve gone through several Zoom addiction-related publications – Zoom Nation; Zoom or Die; and Bang, Zoom, to the Moon Alice.

Then I had an epiphany (the 78th one in the last 14 months according to the list I’ve been keeping). I’ll buy the set and put it in the back of a closet, behind things I never use, like the 23 boxes of Lysol wipes the CDC now says we never really needed for wiping down our mail (so I won’t bother with the tax statement i just received that was postmarked January 29).

It will be just as if I had purchased an on-sale Christmas present early. Of course I’ve never actually purchased a Christmas present, but I’ve heard stories.

So I did it. I ventured to the LEGO store, for my first in-person purchase of a set, where I had to embarrassingly admit that I was not a member of their VIP club, embarrassing only there, not in the real world, where the opposite is true.

So now I’m staring at the box, and it’s staring back, all 2354 pieces of it. Do I have the will power to stick to my plan? Tune in tomorrow.


With the aid of a book on curating LEGO sets, my Saturn V Rocket and Grand Piano have been given their new homes in my living room. My dining table, which could have been mistaken for a remnant from a mad scientist’s laboratory, now stands empty and useless, except for Zoom calls and, well, dining.

My instruction booklets have been put away. The room is eerily silent. No screams of dismay from me. No clicking of pieces into place. My hands, steady and sure as I performed LEGO surgery, are now shaking. My throat is as dry as my wit.

I find LEGO Meetup groups online, but no LEGO support groups, which is what I really need. I watch videos of people assembling their LEGO projects. They look happy, but they don’t know what awaits them. They’re just one missing piece away from a complete breakdown. Another crisis brought on by the isolation of the pandemic.

The Keys to Success (LEGO Grand Piano – Day 8)

In normal times, one can take a two-hour tour of the Steinway & Sons factory (not one of those dangerous three-hour tours with Gilligan and the Skipper) in the Astoria neighborhood of Queens, New York. Now that I’m a non-certified member of the piano-building community, I might want to drop in sometime and compare notes with the resident artisans.

IMG_0553.JPGOn the other hand, it takes them at least nine months to build a grand piano, whereas I’m on pace to finish in no more than two weeks, so what could I really learn from them. Still, they’ve been doing it for over 160 years, so maybe I should consider their two-year paid apprenticeship program, although the commute could be a problem.

Also, they require the ability to understand technically complex instruction. But clearly I’ve already proven that I can do that, most of the time, with only the occasional, major mistake requiring hours of work to undo it, and the occasional left-over piece.

Under the C (LEGO Grand Piano – Day 7)

I took a deep breath and did a full Poseidon on the piano, turning it upside down in one quick, but carefully planned motion, to work on the underbelly of the beast, which now laid helpless before me like a giant tortoise flipped onto its shell.

IMG_0551.JPGWorking quickly, in case the batteries I had installed had some unknown, nefarious, self-generating ability that was not included in the instructions as part of LEGO’s devious, seemingly unstoppable strategy for world domination, I constructed and attached the three legs (there goes the tortoise analogy) and the pedals (yes, Virginia, my plastic piano has pedals).

I feel like I should be done, but I’m only halfway home. The groundhog must have seen its shadow.

Trouble with the Curve (LEGO Grand Piano – Day 6)

(Aerial pan of fireworks, with background noise of crowd cheering) (Camera zooms in on a pair of hands inserting the last of six batteries into place, closing and screwing tight the cover to their holder, and pushing the holder back into place in the bowels of a plastic grand piano)

IMG_0550.JPGYes, it’s true. Despite the gloomy prognostication of the online article I cited yesterday, in a moment of inspiration I found a way to make up for my earlier omission and right the ship, or piano if you will, with a set of batteries I found hiding in the back corner of a drawer that probably have no power left in them.

But that’s for another day. Now I’m thinking that there isn’t anything I can’t do, except maybe hit a curve ball. And then I see that the next step is to construct the legs by first turning what I’ve done so far upside down, which will immediately reveal any construction flaws up to this point and scatter random pieces to the wind.

Can You Hear Me Now? (LEGO Grand Piano – Day 5)

After watching yesterday’s Mars landing, I’m only a little less impressed with the fact that I’ve made it to bag nine (out of 21). There are so many similarities to our missions that I don’t want to take the time now to point them all out.

IMG_0548.jpegI will, however, mention that Curiosity’s “seven minutes of terror” during descent pales in comparison to the 15 seconds of horror and disgust I experienced when I read a review of the grand piano (a few days too late I’m afraid) that made a point of warning against not inserting the batteries during bag three procedures, because, as I discovered today, there is absolutely no way to insert them now without undoing a lot of work, which is not going to happen. In other words, failure is an option.

The piano will still look good when completed. it just won’t be functional, like when I forget to turn on my digital piano before starting to play it. The silver lining – no power means no audible mistakes.

Where’s Waldo? (LEGO Grand Piano – Day 4)

The good news is that it’s starting to look like a grand piano, or at least the inside of a plastic one. I haven’t committed to getting the batteries yet, and am hopeful that I won’t be sealing in their compartment such that I’d have to take the whole thing apart to insert them. They wouldn’t do that to me, would they?

IMG_0547.jpegThe bad news is there appear to be two small missing pieces from bag number seven (in fairness to the hard-working elves in Denmark, bag number seven did contain two similar, useless, extra pieces).

The good news is that the missing pieces don’t appear to be necessary in terms of holding the piano together or making sound.

The bad news is I don’t yet know that for certain. I may have to book a trip to Billund, where there are 25 acres of themed parks that include 40 million blocks of Lego, and “borrow” what I need. In the meantime, see if you can find where the pieces belong in the picture.

And for My Next Trick (LEGO Grand Piano – Day 3)

It’s been 100 years since the magician P.T. Selbit first sawed someone in half in front of an audience. I bet those early rehearsals were fun. I wonder how many assistants he went through before he got it right.

IMG_0542.jpegI won’t be performing, especially playing the piano, before an audience any time soon, but I’m starting to think that my LEGO piano might soon, as in before all the recent snow melts (April?), be ready for prime time. Only 375 more pages of instructions to go. The real trick will be finding someone who can tune it properly.