It’s been over two months since I last posted something new, so I feel proud that nobody has asked for their money back to this free-to-access site, though a little disappointed that one has noticed (especially in China, where my daily hits have not taken a hit).
It’s a clear sign of COVID online shopping fatigue that I’m considering buying a gold-leafed spoon holder.
My new thermal gloves with texting fingertips are disappointing, as they don’t text on their own, and still require the use of a phone.
I bet no one else has thought of eliminating skin problems by wearing a U-V clean portable sterilizer on their face in lieu of a mask.
I’ve gained a whole new appreciation for the witches in Macbeth as I try to create the perfect poultice to remove a stain in a granite countertop, without the mixture eating through to the unit below.
My new oversized silicone oven mitts might or might allow me to rush into conflagrations to save small puppies (the product disclaimer says not to try that), but they certainly provide me with a flow of self-amusement as I pretend, ala Jonathan Winters improvising on live tv, that they are everything from car mufflers to penguin flippers.