Recent Firsts

Gambling, and losing, on online marble racing, before I learned that it was prerecorded.

Watching the first event of the inaugural Memphis Zoo Zoolympics – California Sea Lions in the free style dance competition – and wondering whether the USOC will sue them for trademark infringement.

Wondering whether the real reason that Leonardo da Vinci implemented a backward writing style was as a first step in trying to create a system by which he could cut his own hair in the mirror during the scourge of the bubonic plague in Milan.

Learning the meaning of proprioception, my apparent lack of which explains why I have trouble playing the piano without looking at my hands, which aren’t that great to look at after washing them seven thousand times in the past two months.

Watching a game of Roundnet in the park, and immediately picking up on the rules, unlike cricket, which is still totally incomprehensible to me.

Making a citizen’s arrest of someone going the wrong way in a one-way grocery store aisle.

Talking and reading to, punishing when necessary, and, before even naming it, throwing a two-month birthday party for my plant (to which I invited other plants in the building, though none came as I had insisted on masks and sap testing before entry).

Using my oven, not just for storage, but also for cooking what I had hoped would be food.