Running out of new destinations for my daily Covid constitutional, I walked over to the local Armed Forces Recruitment Center today, but was surprised to find that it was closed, given how many people are out of work. So I couldn’t ask anyone there why they had a sign posted on the window that said No Weapons Allowed. I would think they could save a lot of money on training if they saw the wisdom of bringing in people who were already predisposed to violence.
On the other hand, the nearby public library had no such prohibition posted. I guess they assume that no self-respecting weapons addict would be caught dead, idiomatically, in a library.
A little further down the block there was a large advertisement on the side of a building promoting the services of a doctor in regard to medical cannabis consultations. I mention this only because, by the time I got home, it took me (and my worthless laptop spellcheck) three tries to spell cannabis correctly, and I hadn’t even had a consultation, though I can’t speak for the computer program.