The Band’s Visit – Writers Theatre – March 23, 2024

Here I go again, being heretical.

The Writers Theatre production of The Band’s Visit was highly recommended, across the board, except by me. I am, however, willing to recommend it, especially now that the run is over.

I’ve not seen other versions, so I have nothing to compare it against. I’m told I should see the original movie, that it would help me to better understand the play. I probably will, as I had high hopes for the show, but should that be necessary?

On Broadway, it won the Tony award for Best Musical, but the competition was Frozen, Mean Girls and SpongeBob SquarePants, enough grains of salt to fill a shaker.

I thought the action was disjointed, harmed by multiple subplots, that, from my perspective, went plotz.

And, though I usually have no problem with nontraditional casting, it made no sense to have a woman portray a man, telephone guy, in an underplot that could have used a burial plot.

I would like to praise the lead, Sophie Madorsky. Hers was by far the most interesting character and she easily held my attention, except, in a couple scenes, when I was distracted by a large screen behind her showing a live video of her movements, for no apparent reason.

I did leave the theater on a high note, literally and figuratively, provided by The Concert, for me the best part of the show.