Reflections in a Broken Mirror

I was starting to worry that I might be losing my sense of taste, but then I remembered that my cooking has always been tasteless.

I should have known it was a fake COVID-19 testing site when they asked me for my social security number and mother’s maiden name, neither of which, fortunately, I knew.

Another advantage of wearing your face mask at all times – you don’t have to worry about the spinach that’s been stuck between your two front teeth for three weeks, when you last remembered to floss.

It’s hard to have an imagination in a vacuum, or so I would imagine, if I could.

Apparently, if you don’t drive your car for an extended period of time, it may not start. I fear that that same lesson may apply to my brain.

I’m organizing my life by making a long list of things to do someday when I have less time to do them. Is it procrastination if you have no intention of ever taking action?